In recent years a number of new findings was revealed on the neurophysiology and pathophysiology
of gait. These findings bring new views on the control of movement and are the starting point for new
approaches to rehabilitation. The author reviews some methods of gait rehabilitation in neurological
patients. He mentions the use of rhythmic stimulation, in particular auditory. He deals also with the
problem of partial body weight support (treadmill), mentions modern approaches to functional electric
stimulation, the use of gait orthoses and parawalkers. The common features of these different techni-
ques comprise: – Attempts of as early verticalization as possible and bipedal locomotion, as the vertical
position and bipedal locomotion are from the physiological, kinesiological and psychological aspect
most natural for man. – Inhibition of spasticity in particular of antigravitational muscles, restriction
of pathological co-contractions. – External induction of a more physiological rhythm of gait, a more
natural and more effective locomotior pattern and proportions of the gait cycle, mechanically or by
different variants of electric or e.g. auditory stimulation.
In the near future we may anticipate further development, more accurate indications and in some
instances also more extensive application in practice.
Key words:
auditory rhythmic stimulation, EMG feedback, functional electric stimulation, gait, gait
trainer, hybrid systems, gait orthosis, parawalker, reciprocal gait orthosis, rehabilitation, rhythmic
stimulation, treadmill with partial body weight support