Importance of Determination
of Mucosal Lymphocytes by Flow Cytometry in the Bioptic Specimens to Assess Ulcerative Colitis
Polko J., Vrlík M., Petrisková J., Straková J., Mokáň M.:
I. interná klinika MFN, Martin, Slovenská republika, prednosta prof. MUDr. M. Mokáň, DrSc. Martinské centrum imunológie, Martin, Slovenská republika, vedúci lekár MUDr. M. Vrlík, CSc. Oddelenie klinickej imunológie MFN, Martin, Slovenská republika, prednosta prim. MUDr. J. Straková, Ph.D. |
In this clinical study, we have examined 10 patients with ulcerative colitis. The study group
included 5 men and 5 women. The control group consisted of 6 patients with negative colonoscopic finding performed for differential diagnosis of the dyspeptic syndrome. Patients with ulcerative colitis were divided into two groups according to the clinical pattern, macroscopic endoscopic
finding, and histological examination of the bioptic specimens. The I
group of patients with
active stage of ulcerative colitis, the II
group of patients in remission, without clinical and
endoscopic signs of disease activity. We have found that from the followed markers the greatest
importance lies in the determination of the standard immunologic profile of the mucosa, the
determination of activating markers HLA-DR+, CD69, CD122 and CD71 on T-lymphocytes and
CD69 and CD71 on B-lymphocytes. The differences between the control group and the group of
patients in active stage of the disease were statistically significant. Statistical significance was
also found in some of the above-mentioned parameters when comparing the group of active
disease and that one in remission (CD4/CD8 ratio, HLA-DR+, CD122 on T-lymphocytes). Our results imply that the changes in the target tissue contribute to more precise assessment and
follow-up of therapeutic effect in non-specific inflammatory bowel disease.
Key words:
Ulcerative colitis - Flow cytometry - CD markers - Lymphocytes