Gonzáles Alaňa I., Marín de la Cruz D., Palao Doménech R., Barret Nerín J.P.
Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery and Burns Unit, Hospital Universitario Vall dʼHebrón, Barcelona, Spain |
Necrotizing fasciitis is a progressive soft tissue infection (skin, subcutaneous tissue and fascia) caused in the main by Streptococcus
pyogenes, which gains entry into the organism through any type of wound and even through intact skin. Diagnosis is essentially clinical,
being the sum of non-specific, insidious skin lesions, associated with intense pain and multiorgan failure. Treatment is radical surgical
excision of the affected tissues, combined antibiotic therapy and supportive care. However, mortality rates are still very high. It
is therefore a disease to be taken very seriously, not only in the population as a whole, but following any surgical intervention, including
cosmetic surgery, where there have been reports of cases. We present a case treated in our Department, with the aim of augmenting
the references available on the subject and consequently increasing awareness and interest in this serious condition which
has such terrible consequences.
Key words:
necrotizing, fasciitis, diagnosis, prognosis, treatment