Lower Dyspeptic Syndrome
Recommended Diagnostic and Therapeutic Practice for General Practitioners 2006
Seifert B., 1Lukáš K., 2Charvátová E., 3Vojtíšková J., 4Koudelka T., 1Hep A., 1Bureš J., 1Jirásek V., 1Dítě P.
Společnost všeobecného lékařství ČLS JEP, Praha 1Česká gastroenterologická společnost ČLS JEP 2Katedra všeobecného lékařství IPVZ, Praha 3Ústav všeobecného lékařství 1. LF UK, Praha 4Ordinace praktického lékaře, Žirovnice |
Lower dyspeptic syndrome is a bowel disease manifesting namely with pain or sensation of abdominal
discomfort and bowel movement problems (changes in the frequency and stool consistency). Symptoms
include sensation of intraabdominal pressure and fullness, diarrhoea (with or without pain), sensation of
incomplete defecation, constipation or bowel movement problems (with or without pain), irregular stool,
collywobbles and bowel content flow (borborygia with spasms), meteorism, flatulency. Prevalence of the
Irritable Bowel Syndrome in the European population is estimated to be 5 to 25 %. In the Czech
Republic the total prevalence of dyspepsias is about 13 %. To the pathogenesis of the lower dyspeptic syndrome contribute: 1. abnormal motility, 2. abnormal visceral perception, 3. psychosocial factors,
4. luminal factors, 5. imbalance of neurotransmitters and/or intestinal bacteria and 6. possible
inflammatory changes of the intestinal mucosa. Infectious diarrhoea is one of the causes. Functional
bowel defects represent various combinations of chronic and recurrent symptoms from the digestive tract
which cannot be explained by structural or biochemical abnormalities. Irritable bowel syndrome is
a functional defect manifesting with abdominal pain, intestinal dyspepsia and compulsive defecations.
Subtypes with typical symptomatology are characterized by circumstances which bring about pain and
compulsive defecations (morning fractional defecation, postprandial defecation, debacles). Functional
diarrhoea manifests with diarrhoea without intensive pain. Spastic obstipation manifests by abdominal
pain, obstipation, compulsive defecations are absent, stool is cloddish, fragmented by spastic
haustration, or it has a ribbon-form. Changes in the intestinal chemism include fermentative and
putrefactive dyspepsia. Among the incomplete and atypical forms the isolated meteorism, irregular
defecation, flatulency, abdominal pain – syndrome of the left or right epigastium or the syndrome of the
right hypogastrium can be included. In patients with typical set of symptoms the working diagnose of
the lower dyspeptic syndrome can be done by general practitioner. Complete history of the disease can
reveal possible extra abdominal cause of dyspepsia, recognise alarming symptoms and consider
circumstances elevating or lowering the probability of functional problems. Functional bowel problems
have usually long-term character and represent clinically demanding challenge. Only few therapeutic
regimens are successful and the therapy aimed at the abolishment of one symptom need not bring general
improvement. For the clinical studies of the therapy of functional bowel problems significant placebo
effect is typical. Quoad vitam prognosis is good, quoad sanationem it is rather doubtful.
Key words:
lower dyspeptic syndrome, irritable bowel syndrome, diarrhoea, obstipation.