Experience with the Diagnosis of Ch. trachomatis by
PCR in Gynaecological Patients in Slovakia
Šimko J., Hollý I., Hudecová M., Zaviačič T., Holomáň K.
II. gynekologicko-pôrodnická klinika Bratislava, prednosta prof. MUDr. K. Holomáň, CSc. |
The authors examined using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) more than 2700 gynaecological
patients for the presence of Ch. tracheomatis. The patients were mostly from Bratislava and
surroundings. The material used were cervical smears or morning urine. The most frequent
diagnoses associated with Chlamydia infection were adnexitis (38%), cervicitis (22%), pelvic pain
(9%), sterility (9%), cystitis and ureteritis (3%) abortus imminenes (4%) partus prematurus imminenes
There was a marked seasonal character of chlamydias with the peak during the summer period.
The mean age of the patients was 29.2 years and thus the assumed higher incidence of younger
age groups was not confirmed.
PCR proved to be an accurate, reliable and perspective method for the detection of Ch. trachomatis
in Slovak gynaecological patients.
Key words:
Ch. trachomatis, polymerase chain reaction (PCR), diagnosis