The new classification K/DOQI of chronic renal disease differentiates five stages according to the
grade of glomerular filtration. In the fifth, most severe grade (= renal failure) dialyzation/ transplantation
treatment is indicated. For dialyzation/transplantation activities in developed countries
relatively accurate epidemiological data exist (national and supranational registers of
dialyzation and transplantation programmes). The number of patients increases year by year, in
particular in the more advanced age groups. The predominating diagnosis is renal failure is
diabetes. Although treatment by one of the methods substituting renal function involves less than
0.1% of the population the economic costs amount to as much as 6 = of the total expenditure on
health services (Medicare data, USA). On the other hand the prevalence of chronic renal disease
in less advanced stages is not exactly known. It is estimated that chronic kidney disease may be
present in some 10 % of the population. If the disease were detected in time and the patient was
given professional care which can retard the disease, it would be not only of medical but also of
socio-economic benefit.
Key words:
Chronic renal disease - Renal failure - Dialyzation programme - Epidemiological data