In her thesis the author focused attention on the importance of ownership of a dog as companion
for the general health status of elderly people within the framework of a comprehensive
biopsychosocial approach to health as a state of mental, physical and social wellbeing. First she
defined some of the most important health and social problems of old people, and based o n data
in the literature, she prepared a review how they can possibly be influenced by a new method
- canis therapy, which involves the dog in the therapeutic regime. In a field investigation the
author assessed whether ownership of a dog reduced among old people in the community the
incidence of depression, proved their general health status and really acted as an invaluable
companion in loneliness, as a mediator for contact with people, motivation for regular exercise
and as part of a preventive and therapeutic regime. A reduced incidence of depression was not
observed in dog owners, while the other hypotheses were confirmed.
Key words:
canistherapy - ownership of a dog - geriatrics - biopsychosocial approach - preven-