The authors analyzed retrospectively a group of 55 patients with idiopathic Parkinson™s disease
according to the following parameters: site of first symptoms, character of first symptoms, sex and age
at onset of disease. The objective was to find out whether these parameters are predictors of the
progression rate. The patients were divided into two groups. Group 1 included patients who reached
during the investigation period a maximum of 2.5 grades on the Hoehn and Yahr scale (n = 21), group
2 those who attained grade 3 or more at the scale! (n = 34). The authors found that patients with an
onset of the disease on both lower extremities concurrently and patients of more advanced age at the
onset of the disease have a greater risk of a less favourable course of the disease from the aspect of
progression rate. Gender or the nature of the initial symptoms were not proved as risk factors of more
rapid progression.
Key words:
Parkinson´s disease, progression, lower extremities, initial symptoms O.