COPD is often accompanied with acute symptoms exacerbations. Patients in Ist stage: slide grade
of COPD and IInd stage: middle grade of COPD suffer exacerbations accompanied with increased
dyspnoea often together with increased cough and increased production of sputum. Patients in
IIIrd stage (serious) and IVth stage (very serious) experience during exacerbations development of
respiration insufficiency or its worsening and thus are usually treated in hospital. The most
frequent causes of exacerbations are tracheobronchial tree infections and air pollution. The
cause of approximately one third of serious exacerbations is not disclosed. Conditions which can
resemble acute exacerbation are pneumonia, congestive heart failure, pneumothorax, pleural
exudation, pulmonary embolism, and arrhythmia. Exacerbation treatment is symptomatic. Obstruction
symptoms are treated with bronchodilatants and corticosteroids administration, hypoxemia
with oxygen administration and signs of bacterial infection with antibiotics.
Key words:
Exacerbation - COPD