Shoulder Girdle from
the Standpoint of Classical Biomechanics
Janura M.1, Míková M.2, Krobot A.2, Janurová E.3
1Katedra biomechaniky a technické kybernetiky, Fakulta tělesné kultury UP Olomouc 2Klinika rehabilitačního a tělovýchovného lékařství LF UP a FN Olomouc 3Institut fyziky, Hornicko-geologická fakulta, VŠB – Technická univerzita Ostrava |
The combination of motions in shoulder girdle is characterized by great complexity and variability of
solutions, which may reach final position of a selected segment. That is why locomotion of in great
range is possible, but there are simultaneously requirements for maintaining stability in the given
joint. Biomechanics is one of the groups of scientific disciplines, which enable description of these
events, their course and possible consequences.The authors present an attempt to summarize basic
biomechanic events, which are related to the motions in individual joints of shoulder girdle and to
the action of forces, which are decisive for these movements.
Key words:
shoulder girdle, biomechanics, motion,muscle force