Pulmonary Embolism Following Aorto-
Coronary By-pass
Rezler M., Šulda M., Forst M., Mokráček A., Šetina M.
Kardiocentrum – kardiochirurgie, Nemocnice České Budějovice, a.s., primář MUDr. Marek Šetina, CSc. |
The authors present a case-review of a 65 year-old female patient, hospitalized for rest dyspnoea and collaps condition, 3
weeks following her completed aorto-coronary by-pass. The symptoms were caused by a massive lung embolism. Upon the
echocardiographic examination, a massive thrombus in the right-sided cardiac spaces – a rare complication of cardiosurgical
procedures- was detected. The patient was treated surgically. At the present time, 4 months following the procedure, the patient
is completely recovered.
Key words:
pulmonary embolism – deep venous thrombosis – aorto-coronary by-pass – thromboembolectomy