Malignant Lymphomas of the Orofacial Region
Stanko P., Satko I., Švidraň J., Kubisová J., Danko J., Gharaibeh M., Novotňáková D.
II. stomatologická klinika LF UKo a FN, Bratislava, Slovenská republika, prednosta prof. MUDr. I. Satko, DrSc. |
Authors analysed retrospectively ocurrence of malignant lymphomas in materials
of the 2nd Stomatological Clinic in Bratislava during years 1985–2000 with special view
on the diagnosis. They found 23 cases of malignant lymphomas (7 men,16 women) together,
from these Hodgkin´s lymphogranuloma in 7 cases (3 men, 4 women) and non-Hodgkin
malignant lymphoma in16 cases (4 men,12 women). Rutinely were performed evaluations:
ultrasound, native X-rays (in salivary gland sialography, too), laboratory investigations (heamatology,
serology as in the node syndrome and the oncomarcers – carcinoembryonic antigen
a β-2 microglobulin). In larger tumours was performed cumputed tomography or magnetic
resonance imaging. By the histopathology was preferred perioperative cryocut against aspiration
biopsy but the results were exact in 3 cases only.Authors emphasise need of interdisciplinar
approach in suspection of malignant lymphoma.
Key words:
malignant lymphoma – orofacial lymphoma – diagnosis