The authors in a retrospective study assess the recurrence rate of pterygium after
the application of a single intraoperative dosage of topical Mitomycin C during
the pterygium excision. The group involves 21 eyes of 19 patients with primary
pterygia. When using technique of simple pterygium excision followed by appli-
cation 0,02 % MMC onto a bare sclera in duration 3 minutes, pterygium recurred
in 5 patients (23,8 %). The authors noticed a distinct difference in pterygium
recurrence relating to the age of patients. Under the age 50 the recurrence
occurred in each of 4 patients, above the age 50 only in one out of 17 patients
(5,9 %).
Key words:
pterygium, Mitomycin C, recurrence rate