Secondary (reactive) amyloidosis is a not very rare complication of chronic rheumatological disea-
ses such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA), juvenile chronic arthritis (JCA), ankylosing spondylytis (AS).
In addition to elevated levels of circulating SAA precursors a number of other factors participates
in the development of the disease, incl. cytokines and growth factors. Renal affection is frequent
and is a serious cause of morbidity and mortality of these patients. Severe nephrotic syndrome is
encountered, impaired renal functions – glomerular as well as tubular. Treatment of patients with
renal affections is not sufficiently effective and its results are very unsatisfactory. In JCA adminis-
tration of chlorambucil is recommended in particular, in RA and AS chlorambucil, cyclophospha-
mide, azathioprin. Long-term treatment is essential and side-effects must be foreseen. Perspectives
are symptomatic treatment, i.e. renal transplantation, or causal treatment, i.e. bone marrow
Key words:
amyloidosis of the kidneys, amyloid, rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile chronic arthritis,
ankylosing spondylytis, nephrotic syndrome