The authors compared in a group of 11-18-year-old obese and non-obese probands
selected parameters related to the development of cardiovascular diseases. In all
tested parameters - systolic and diastolic pressure, serum lipid levels , atherogenic
risk index - the findings in the groups of obese children were less favourabnle at
the level of significance of P < 0.05-0.001. The prevalence of suboptimal findings
of all investigated parameters in particular blood pressure, triacyglycerols and
the risk index were higher in the groups of obese probands as compared with
normal weight children and adolescents. Similary the prevalence of a positive
family-history, i.e. the presence of hypertension, ischaemic heart disease and
myocardial infarction in the parents before the age 50 year was higher in the obese
groups. Comparison of the investigated parameters of the health status netween
obese and non-obese probands confirmed that obesity as one of the risk factors is
significantly more frequently associated with other adverse findings - dyslipida-
emia, hypertension and this potentiates the risk of earlyy onset of cardiovascular
disease in adult age.
Key words:
children - adolescents - obesity - serum lipids - risk index