Apoptosis or programmed cell death is a physiological process which occurs at different biological states as well
as at disease process. Morphologically it is characterized by the chromatine condensation and other changes
with preserved integrity of plasmatic membrane. The major and most frequently studied biochemical cha-
racteristic of apoptosis is a DNA fragmentation. In our paper attention is directed to the early biochemical
changes in cell membranes, i.g., the externalization of phosphatidylserine, hydrolysis of sphingomyeline on the
ceramide and activation of phospholipases especially phospholipase A2. In one part we described the changes of
cysteine proteases (caspases), which play a key role in the execution of apoptosis. These biochemical changes
are associated with ceramide signalization of apoptosis. Briefly are presented also some dates about apoptosis
induction with reactive oxygen radicals and the role of the arachidonic acid metabolites in this process. We
consider the investigation and determination of these changes as important parameters of apoptosis at some
diseases, e.g., cancer or degenerative diseases, and of their treatment.
Key words:
apoptosis, phosphatidylserine, sphingomyeline/ceramide, phospholipases A2, cyclooxygenases,
lipoxygenases, oxygen radicals, caspases