The authors evaluate in the submitted paper phakoemulsification in 55 eyes
operated in 1998-1999, i.e. 2.94% of all phakoemulsified eyes. They investigate the
incidence of peroperative 10.9% and postoperative 23.6% complications, their most
frequent cause being manipulation with the narrow pupil.Although the incidence
of peroperative complications is higher than in the group without pseudoexfoli-
ation, similalry as the incidence of inflammatory reactions, which receded in the
majority of patients within 7 days, phakoemulsification can be considerd as a safe
and effective surgical method of cataract in pseudoexfoliative syndrome. The
surgeon´s experience is an important factor.
Key words:
pseudoexfoliative syndrome, surgery of cataract, phakoemulsification