Diabetic Gastroparesis and Gastropathy
Kojecký V.
Interní klinika IPVZ Zlín Baťovy krajské nemocnice, Zlín, přednosta prim. MUDr. Ivo Oral, CSc. Spolupracující centrum WHO pro studium diabetu, Zlín, ředitel prof. MUDr. Jaroslav Rybka, DrSc. |
Dysfunction of gastrointestinal tract affects about 30-60 % diabetic patients. The gastroparesis
occurs only in part of patients. Dysfunction has different manifestations from quantitative and
qualitative changes of motility to alterations of visceral sensitivity. Pathogenesis of the disturbances
is multifactorial - autonomic neuropathy, quality of metabolic control, function of enteric
nervous system and others. Scintigraphy is a standard for making diagnosis. Due to its multifactorial
natural history, therapy is difficult. It encompasses dietary modifications, good control of
diabetes, prokinetic drugs. New drugs and treatment techniques are beeing developed.
Key words:
Diabetic gastroparesis - Prokinetics - Pathogenesis - Therapy