The authors analyze a group of 14 patients with mycotic infection of the nasal
cavity and paranasal sinuses. In 12 instances Aspergillus infection was involved and in two cases
Candida infection. In 10 instances the mycosis was combined with bacterial infection – Gram
positive and Gram negative microorganisms. Six patients were treated on a long-term basis with
antibiotics. As to local predisposing factors, in nine instances chronic relapsing bacterial sinusitis
was found, in seven instances nasal polyps, in five instances a bullous middle concha and in three
instances deviation of the nasal septum. The diagnosis was based on CT examination, rhinoendoscopy
and histological examination which classfied the disease. In six instances a non-invasive
unilateral aspergillosis of the maxillary sinus was involeved, in one instance the maxillary sinus
and ethmoid sinuses, in two instances the sphenoid cavity and in two instances the bullous middle
concha and maxillary sinus. Candida infection affected in one case the maxillary sinus and in one
case the maxillary sinus and the anterior ethmoid sinuses. All patients were subjected to rhinoendoscopic
intervention. In five instances a combined operation was performed using also an external
approach. In three instances the operation was safeguarded by antimycotics. After treatment the
patients had no relapses.
Key words:
mycosis aspergillosis, candidosis of the nasal and paranasal sinuses, rhinoendoscopic