Laparoscopic Fundoplication.
Indications and Preoperative Examinations
Drahoňovský V., Kmeť L., Vrbenský L., Pecák P.
Chirurgické oddělení, Městská nemocnice Neratovice, Mediterra s.r.o., primář MUDr. V. Drahoňovský |
Aim: The aim of this study is to assess success rates and risks of laparoscopic antireflux procedures, based
on 2000 completed surgical procedures.
Methodology: We compared our experience with literature data. We concenterated on indications, preoperative
examinations range and the procedure’s technique itself.
Results: It is advisable to indicate patients with already advanced disorders and hiatal hernias, after the
procedure’s principles and possible side-effects have been explained to them. It is also advisable to carefully
indicate young, polymorbid and depressive patients. The higher the expertise of the operating team, the less
contraindications for the procedure occur. The preoperative examination should be sufficient enough to exclude
any diagnostic errors. Fibroscopy, preferably conducted repeatedly, is necessary. PH-metry and oesophageal
manometry may aid to exclude incorrect indications and, on the contrary, may confirm the diagnosis in cases of
non- typical clinical manifestations. Radiographymaydepict hernias, stenoses, the oesophagus length, its relation
to the diaphragm.
Conclusion: The result of any antireflux surgical procedure depends on its correct indication, on a complete
exhaustion of the patient‘s history data, on a rational assessment of the preoperative examination results.
Education of the patient is necessary.
Key words:
laparoscopic fundoplication – examination – indications