There are two growth types within the body of vertebrates, cellular-divisional (mitotic) and
neural-extensive. The neural-extensive growth „unfolds“ the body (from the lizard to elephant and
whale) whereas the cellular-divisional growth has the role of „filling“ of the greater or lesser cavities
created by the neural-extensive growth. There are two distinctly different ways of growth activity
in man and quadruped depending upon the length of ontogenesis. In the quadruped (frog, chicken)
with quite short ontogenesis (2 - 3 weeks) we find extremely often (following administration of all
possible kinds of teratogenic substances) neuroadaptive bone dysplasias. In man with much more
protracted ontogenesis (9 months) and longevity (60 - 70 years) arthrosis and spondylosis are found
more often in the elderly.
Key words:
neural growth - neuroadaptive relations - skeletal teratogenesis - arthrosis and spondy-