Residual Disease Monitoring in Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukaemia
Zuna J. 1 , Hrušák O. 2 , Kalinová M. 1 , Mužíková K. 1 , Zörnerová T. 1 , Starý J. 1 ,
pro Pracovní skupinu dětské hematologie v ČR |
The level of minimal residual disease is an important prognostic factor in childhood acute lym-
phoblastic leukaemia. The end of induction therapy is the most significant time-point for predicti-
on of treatment outcome. Within a pilot study covered by the Paediatric Haematology Working
Group in the Czech Republic 51 childhood patients were analysed at diagnosis of acute lymphob-
lastic leukaemia and at the end of induction using method based on detection of clonal rearrange-
ments of immuno-receptor genes. The majority of tested patients (32/51, 63 %) had a low or
non-detectable levels of residual disease, a group of patients with the highest levels and thus the
highest risk of relapse included 10% of patients (5/51). Within each of three risk groups one
patient has relapsed so far. Therefore, the relapse rate in particular subgroups is 3 % (1/32), 7 %
(1/14) and 20 % (1/5) to date, respectively. The results are compared with these published by the
BFM group (van Dongen et al., Lancet 1998). The pilot phase of a new BFM treatment protocols
includes examination of residual disease for stratification of patients into the different risk
Key words:
Childhood acute lymphoblastic leukaemia - Minimal residual disease - Prognosis -