Depressive disorder and cardiovascular diseases have common pathophysiological mechanisms.
They include both biological and behavioral mechanisms. The principal biological mechanisms
are: the activation of hypothalamo-pitutio-adrenal axis with increased activation of sympathetic
nervous system, decreased vagal tonus followed by decreased heart rate variability and the
changes in thrombogenesis with increased thrombocytic agregability. These three mechanisms
are followed by the cascade of other processes, which are interconnected with each other, they are
mutually inseparable and cause the damage of cardiovascular system. These fi ndings are important
for clinical praxis. Patients who suffer nontreated depressive disorder have a higher risk of
development of cardiovascular diseases than the depressive patients treated with antidepressants
including the tricyclic ones, which have the potential risk of cardiotoxicity. Hopeful is using the SSRI
antidepressants, which have the benign cardiovascular profi le. The conclusion includes the necessity
to establish the diagnosis of the depressive disorder and than to treat it to prevent the patient’s
suicide and also to decrease the risk of development of the cardiovascular diseases.
Key words:
depressive disorder, cardiovascular diseases, pathophysiological mechanisms,