What Does NOTES Yield?
Zonča P.1, Neoral Č.2, Malý T.2, Hájek M.3, Lerch M.1
1Chirurgické a traumatologické oddělení, MN Ostrava, primář: MUDr. K. Piš 21. chirurgická klinika, LF UP a FN Olomouc, přednosta: doc. MUDr. Č. Neoral, CSc. 3Oddělení anesteziologie a resuscitace, MN Ostrava, primář: MUDr. C. Kučera |
Introduction: The aim of this review is to inform about the possibilities offered by NOTES (Natural Orifice Transluminal Endoscopic
Surgery). This technique allows to access into the peritoneal cavity, respectively thoracic cavity, through natural orifices using endoscopical
visualization. This technique unites the skills of surgeons and endoscopists.
Material: The laparotomy or laparoscopy (in parallel into the thoracic cavity) was required for the access into the peritoneal cavity
(thoracic cavity) historically. NOTES uses the following accesses: transgastric, PEG-like access, transcolical, transvesical, transvaginal
with or without possible mini-laparoscopical control. Since the introduction of this method for the first time in 2004, many studies have
been published. Using the databases Medline the authors searched the current view on NOTES technique. They focused on current possibilities
offered by this technique. They searched advantages of this technique and its weak points as well. They looked at recommendations
leading to the application of this technique for human.
Result: More than 100 articles focusing on this subject were published together according to Medline. The single articles present animal
studies, technical problems, and suggestions for technical equipment improvement and review articles. They are verbal presentation
about successful transgastric or transvaginal appendicectomy or cholecystectomy by humans.
Conclusion: They are many controversies obstructing introduction of this method into common praxis. This technique is undergoing
an immense progression and it is not possible to only passively observe this dynamic development, but it is necessary to actively make
the indications and contraindications for the possible usage of this method.
Key words:
transluminal surgery