The use of functional magnetic resonance imaging in
neurosurgery of the central region. Part I. General principles
Klener J., Urgošík D.1, Tiňtěra J.2
Oddělení neurochirurgie, 1Oddělení stereotaktické a funkční neurochirurgie, Nemocnice Na Homolce, Praha, 2ZRIR IKEM, Praha |
Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) enables the imaging of functional areas of the brain,
activated by the executed motor or language task, or by stimulation of a sensory system. In neurosurgery,
this method is promising in solving pathological lesions of the central region, which bring a risk
of postoperative neurological deficit. Considering the fact that the method is relatively less well known,
this article focuses on the general principles of its use in neurosurgery. After delimiting the possible
role of fMRI among other methods and procedures in central region neurosurgery, the principles of the
method and the basic properties of fMR imaging are described. Attention is further paid to the
relationship of anatomical and functional imaging of eloquent areas and their possible variability. The
final section discusses the possibilities of functional imaging use in the preoperative and intraoperative
phase, the possibility of integration with neuronavigation and the possible positive impact of fMRI use
on the outcome of therapy. Our own experiences with this method are planned to be published as
a sequel to this communication.
Key words:
central region, functional magnetic resonance imaging, intraoperative monitoring