Factors Affecting Child Thymus Size and Involution
Varga I.1, Pospíšilová V.1, Tóth F.2, Bevízová K.1, Polák Š.1
Ústav histológie a embryológie, Lekárska fakulta, Univerzita Komenského, Bratislava1 prednosta doc. MUDr. Š. Polák, CSc. Gynekologicko-pôrodnícke oddelenie, FORLIFE n. o. Všeobecná nemocnica, Komárno2 primár MUDr. F. Tóth |
The thymus is a central organ of immune system important for the development and
maintenance of the cellular immunity. Thymus reaches the biggest size compared to the
body proportions during early postnatal period of babies. Abnormal fetal growth during
the intrauterine period may also cause disturbances of the thymus development
and prenatal growth. The abnormal thymic development can result in its insufficient
function postnatally. The thymus size of newborns can indirectly reflect the immune
systemcondition and general susceptibility to diseases during postnatal life of children.
During the prenatal and postnatal development the thymus is sensitive to many environmental
factors such as an acute and chronic stress, malnutrition, infections or hormonal
therapy. On the other hand the consumption of maternal milk has a positive effect
to the postnatal growing and function of the thymus.
The present work brings a review of factors which could have effect to the thymus development,
size and involution. The studies of relationship between the thymic size and
the anthropometric parameters (head and armcircumference, birth weight and length)
of physiological newborns are also demonstrated.
Key words:
stress-related thymus involution, ultrasonography of newborns, anthropometry
of newborns