Factor V Leiden and the Slovak Population
Hudeček J.1, Dobrotová M.1, Hybenová J.2, Ivanková J.1, Meluš V.2, Pullmann R.2, Kubisz P.
1Klinika hematológie a transfuziológie MFN a JLF UK, Martin, Slovenská republika, přednosta prof. MUDr. P. Kubisz, DrSc.2Ústav klinickej biochémie MFN a JLF UK, Martin, Slovenská republika, přednosta prof. RNDr. MUDr. R. Pullmann, PhD. |
The resistance to activated protein C (APC-resistance) based on the presence of factor V Leiden (F
V Leiden) is the most frequent thrombophilic condition in the white race population. It contributes
to the origin of thrombosis especially in the venous part of blood vessels. Significant geographic
differences have been detected within Europe. The aim of this retrospective study was to
determine the frequency in the occurrence of F V Leiden: 1. in healthy (asymptomatic) Slovak
population, 2. in their consanguineously unrelated members with thrombosis and 3. in patients
with myocardial infarction (IM) without or with other known risk factors of this disease (nicotinism,
obesity, hypertension, dyslipoproteinemia, diabetes mellitus), respectively. The detection of
FV Leiden was made by molecular biology methods. The occurrence in a group of 152 healthy
individuals was four % (6 persons) and this frequency corresponds to the geographic localization
of the Slovak Republic in Europe. In a group of 349 patients with thrombosis in anamnesis, FV
Leiden was detected in 103 persons (29.5 %). The occurrence was higher than the usually reported
incidence in these patients (20 %). Likewise, in a group of 35 patients with IM without risk factors
in anamnesis, the occurrence of FV Leiden (8.6 %) was significantly higher in comparison with
healthy population and the incidence further increased significantly in a group of 41 patients
with IM and the presence of at least one risk factor (14.6 %). The authors therefore suppose an
active role of the Leiden mutation of FV gene in the pathogenesis of this disease.
Key words:
Factor V Leiden - Resistance to activated protein C - Slovak population - Thrombosis -
Myocardial infarction