Influence of Chronic Chlamydial Infection with Non-specific Inflammation on Cardiovascular
Complications in Acute Myocardial Infarction
Jaber A. J.1, Murín J.1, Hricák V.2, Tomašovič B.2, Kiňová S.1, Kozlíková K. 1 Ghanem W.1, Radman A.1
1I. interná klinika Lekárskej fakulty UK a FN, Bratislava, Slovenská republika, prednosta prof. MUDr. Ivan Ďuriš, DrSc. 2Slovenský ústav srdcových chorôb, Bratislava, Slovenská republika, riaditeľ MUDr. J. Postulka |
It is known that local and systemic inflammatory processes play an important role in the genesis
and development of atheroclerotic lesions and in the pathophysiology of acute coronary syndromes.
This hypothesis is supported by findings of elevated parameters of the "inflammatory" reaction
in the affected blood vessels but also in the blood of atherosclerotic patients. Known risk
factors do not explain quite satisfactorily epidemiological cardiovascular phenomena and different
manifestations of coronary heart disease. It is very probable that also Chlamydia pneumoniae
is a risk factor. This assumption is based on evaluation of seroepidemiological data, examination of atherosclerotic plaques not only in humans but also in animal models with chlamydial
infection. Based on retrospective and prospective evaluation of case-records the authors
analyzed the incidence of cardiovascular complications in 83 patients with acute myocardial
infarction (AIM), incl. 51 patients (31 men and 20 women, mean age 64.4 ± 3.4 years who had
a non-specific inflammation and chlamydial infection, and 32 patients (24 men and 8 women,
mean age 64.7 ± 3.6 years)who had chlamydial infections but no non-specific inflammation (in the
blood). These patients were selected from all patients hospitalized during 1998-2001.When diagnosing
acute myocardial infarction we applied WHO criteria, and the presence of at least two of
three criteria was necessary :a history of prolonged (more than 20 min). stenocardia, electrocardiographic
changes typical for ischaemia and/or necrosis and elevation of myocardial enzymes in
serum, Non-specific inflammatory activity was present in patients (i.e. positive) if the following
laboratory parameters were recorded : C-reactive protein > 5 mg/l assessed by the radial immunodiffusion
method; fibrinogen > 4 mg/l assessed by the coagulation method according to Claus;
leukocytes > 9.6 x 103/l, leukocytes were counted automatically in a Coulter chamber ;lymphocytes
> 3.4 x 103/l. Red cell sedimentation rate > 20 mm/hour. The activity was evaluated as positive
when all parameters were elevated. The presence of chronic infection with Chlamydia pneumoniae
was assessed qualitatively by antibody positivity (IgG) in serum using the microimmunoflurescent
method (using a set from Labsystems Co.). The incidence of associated risk factors (obesity,
smoking, diabetes, hyperlipidaemia and hypertension) is higher in the sub-group of patients with
Chlamydia infections without inflammation, however, the difference is not statistically significant.
The incidence of cardiovascular attacks was higher in the sub-group of patients with chlamydial
infection and concurrent inflammation as compared with the sub-group of patients with
chlamydial infection without inflammation. In case of re-infarction of the myocardium, a sudden
cerebrovascular attack, death and arrhythmia the difference was statistically significant, while in
case of cardiac failure and cardiogenic shock the difference was not significant. Patients with
acute myocardial infarction with chlamydial infection and a concurrent non-specific inflammation
had to be treated more often by combined (i.e. more intense) treatment, thrombolytic treatment,
PTCA and surgery (bypass) of the coronary vessels as compared with patients with
Chlamydia infections but without inflammation. The authors assume therefore that not only
different risk factors but also the effect of non-specific inflammation and Chlamydia infection
contribute towards the increased number of cardiovascular postinfarction complications. Therefore
a therapeutic approach involving eradication of infection and suppression of the inflammatory
reaction should be considered.
Key words:
Acute myocardial infarction - Non-specific inflammatory reaction - Infection - Chlamydia
pneumoniae - Cardiovascular attacks