The authors investigated the incidence of pathological somatic and laboratory findings in
a group of 100 female patients with nutritional disorders. The subjects were in-patients at the
Psychiatric Clinic of the Faculty Hospital and Medical Faculty in Bratislava. The mean age of
the patients was 18.7 years.
On admission most frequently metabolic disorders were found, haematological and endocrino-
logical findings were also frequent. During hospitalisation most pathological findings are
revealed during gynaecological (29.9%), medical and surgical examination. Pathological fin-
dings are encountered most frequently in patients with anorexia nervosa with bulimic e pisodes.
Twenty-one % patients suffer from hypoproteinaemia. 17% from hypoglycaemia, 11% have
changes in serum cholesterol levels. Pathological liver tests were found in 32%. An electrolyte
disbalance was recorded in 20% of the group.
The authors discuss their findings and draw attention to their serious character.
Key words:
nutritional disorders - somatic status - metabolic disorders - anorexia - bulimia.