On the basis of many pathological-anatomical, epidemiological, preclinical and clinical studies it has become
apparent that atherosclerosis, which is the basis of many diseases of circulation at the adult age, is the disease with
early beginning and a long asymptomatic period. The basic risk factors, which influence the origin, speed of
development and extent of atheromatous lesions in aorta and coronary arteries from the child age include male
sex, positive familial cardiovascular history, dyslipoproteinemia, cigarette smoking, hypertension, obesity, diabetes
mellitus and lack of physical activity. Primary prevention, which is based on the presumption that modification of
risk factors from the child age ensues in decreased morbidity and mortality for diseases of circulation at the adult
age, may be realized in practice by several ways - the all-population intervention, an individual model of prevention
or an integrated approach, which is a combination of selective screening of lipid risk factors and a general
intervention of other risk factors within the framework of routine pediatric care. The basic task of family physician
for children and adolescents includes setting of a profile of individual cardiovascular risk of the child and a complex
intervention of risk factors within the framework of a common pediatric care. The child age is the ideal period for
the beginning of preventive measures, since at that time, various attitudes and habits are formed, which influence
future cardiovascular risk for the individual.
Key words:
atherosclerosis, risk factors, prevention