The submitted results summarize data assembled in a non-intervention study of patients treated
with sertraline hydrochloride (Zoloft®) which lasted six months and was implemented within the
framework of standard psychiatric ambulatory care. From out-patient psychiatrists a total of 3382
forms were recovered and subsequently processed. There were twice as many females as males.
Most frequently treatment was indicated on account of depressive disorders of different intensity
and on account of mixed anxiety depressive disorders. In 50% the preparation was administred
during the first episode and in 30% on account of the repeated occurrence of the primary disorder.
The severity of the mental disorder was according to CGI (item 1) in 51% patients medium
intense, 25% patients were seriously and 17% slightly sick. Roughly 70% patients were given
a dose of 50 mg per day and 24% 100 mg sertraline hydrochloride per day. The tolerance of
treatment was demonstrated by the low incidence of undesirable effects which were recorded in
8.5% of the treated patients and receded without sequelae in 94% and no death was recorded in
conjunction with treatment. Treatment was discontinued early in 12% of the cases. In the CGI
evaluation (item 2) 42% patients were described as markedly improved and another 44% as greatly
improved. From the assembled data ensues that treatment with sertraline hydrochloride, using
common doses, was effective in the majority of patients and the general profile of tolerance
indicates its satisfactory tolerance by patients.
Key words:
non-interventional observation study, practical application, depressive disorder, sertraline