We present four cases of endobronchial benign neoplasms
of lung. Approximately 90% of lung tumors is bronchogenic cancer and only 19% are benign tumors or bronchial
carcinoids. 1–2% from this benign tumors are endobron
chial. Pulmonary hamartomas are largest group of be-
nign pulmonary neoplasms. Uncommon benign neop-
lasms are leiomymas, lipomas, fibromas, myomas etc.
The clinical symptoms are caused by obstruction of air-
flow with possibility of distal atelectasis, over infection
and pneumonia. Other clinical sign and symptoms is
cough, dyspnoe, rare hemoptysis. Helical CT is highly
specific and sensitive in detection tumors of soft tissue (fat
approximately from –70 to –140 HU). Bronchoscopy is an
excellent method of diagnosis and treatment. Endobronchial tumors shoud be treated by endoscopic surgery or
endoscopic vaporisation. If bronchoscopic management is
not possible, we must resort to thoracotomy with bronchiotomy or rare lobectomy, pneumonectomy for destruction
of lung due to recurrent pneumonie.
Key words:
endobronchial benign neoplasms, helical CT,
laser vaporisation, endoscopic surgery