Abnormalities of Haemocoagulation in the Acute Stage of Ischaemic Cerebro-
vascular Attack
Timárová G. 1 , Kukumberg P. 1 , Skraková A. 2 , Šabo L. 3 , Gazdíková K. 1 , Krastev G. 1 ,
1 II. neurologická klinika LF UK, FNsP ak. L. Dérera, Bratislava 2 KHT, FNsP ak. L. Dérera, Bratislava 3 Oddelenie funkčnej diagnostiky, FNsP ak. L. Dérera, Bratislava 4 Rádiologická klinika SPAM, FNsP ak. L. Dérera, Bratislava |
The authors analyzed in their study changes of some markers of the haemocoagulation activity
(fibrinogen, prothrombin time, partial thromboplastin time, platelet factors 3 and 4 - DF3, DF4) in the
early stage of an ischaemic cerebrovascular attack (CVA). In a group of 22 patients they found
a statistically significant decline of the DF4 activity already during the first 24 hours as compared with
the control group, on the 7th day they recorded a further decline of activity of this factor (p = 0.05).
Changes in DF3 activity and fibrinogen were not statistically significant. After dividing the group into
sub-groups with a high and low risk of cardioembolism (in relation to the assumed cardiac embolism
as the cause of CVA) the authors found in the sub-group of 14 patients (63.6 %) with a low risk of
cardioembolism (an atherothrombotic process was assumed) a lower mean fibrinogen level (2.94 g/l)
and a decline of DF4 activity in the acute stage of the CVA. In the sub-group of 8 patients (36.4 %) with
a high risk of cardiac embolism into the CNS (assumed cardioembolic mechanism of CVA) the authors
recorded an elevated mean fibrinogen level (3.82 g/l). They also found a decline of DF4 ac tivity already
during the first day with a further drop of activity on the 7th day (these changes were not statistically
significant). The authors assume that the different fibrinogen levels in the sub-groups of patients with
a low and high risk of cardiac embolization could reflect a different activation of coagulation, assuming
a different pathogenetic mechanism of CVA (atherothrombotic and cardioembolic). Changes of DF4
activity were similar in both sub-groups of patients. The assessed abnormalities of haemocoagulation indicate that these coagulation factors reflect probably not identical but complementary mechanisms
of the activated thrombotic process in the acute stage of a CVA.
Key words:
ischaemic cerebrovascular attack, haemocoagulation, fibrinogen, platelet factor 3, platelet