Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity
1Anatomický ústav LF UK, Plzen, prednosta doc. RNDr. P. Fiala, CSc. 2Hygienická stanice hl. m. Prahy, Národní referencní laborator pro neionizující elektromagnetická pole a zárení, vedoucí doc. RNDr. L. Pekárek, DrSc. |
Twenty-five years ago, the term „Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity“ (EHS) was introduced for the syndrome
characterized by a broad spectrum of different subjective symptoms, attributed by afflicted persons to
the influence of electromagnetic (EM) fields emitted by different sources in their neighbourhood. However,
the field intensities found in flats or workplaces of the complaining persons appeared almost always by
orders of magnitude lower than hygienic limits recommended by recognized international bodies. In spite
of great efforts, the presumed causal connection of the syndrome with exposure to EM fields has never been
established. The syndrome gradually acquired epidemic character in many parts of the world. The World
Health Organization has paid attention for a long time to the phenomenon and still supports research on the
possible influence of weak EM fields on persons supposedly sensitive to very low exposure levels. We show
in the presented paper, that many logical, physical, biological and epidemiological arguments disprove the
idea of any direct, causal connection of the syndrome with exposure to EM fields. The phenomenon called
till now Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) is undoubtedly a psychosomatic phobic reaction, evoked
by unsubstantiated fear from the adverse influence of EM fields, augmented by false information from the
media and possibly by purpose-built motivation. It can be included into the realm of environmental somatic
syndromes (ESS) or idiopathic environmental intolerance (IEI).
We present a simple scheme describing – in agreement with all known facts – a psychosomatic mechanism
of the development of EHS. As the name Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity for the syndrome should be considered
inappropriate, we suggest the term “Electrophobic Psychosomatic Syndrome”, with acronym EPS,
instead. Further research into the syndrome should stop the futile seeking of a reaction of the afflicted persons
to EM fields and should be oriented on causal factors from the psycho-sociological domain. For medical
treatment, cognitive behavioral therapy seems to be the most effective. The often recommended and realized
technical and precautionary measures, aimed at the reduction of EM exposure, are senseless.
Key words:
elektromagnetic hypersensitivity – EHS – magnetic fields – treatment.