In the Czech Republic meningococcal diseases affect approximately 100 patients per year, these are espe-cially children and adolescents. The čase fatality ratio is approximately 10 %. Patients with septic shock may die within 24 hours after onset of the first symptoms. Early diagnosis and immediate treatment can improve prognosis of a disease.
Primary-care doctors háve leading role in the clinical diagnostic. The suspicion of meningococcal disease is recognized by the patient showing high fever and petechiae are present, rapid progression is connected with hypotension, cool extremities and depressed mental status. In the čzech Republic, the complex early treatment (infusion till volume resuscitation, administration of antibiotics and adequate oxygenation) is compulsory to provide within 30 minutes. This first treatment will be administered by the medical team in the emergency ambulance on the way to the hospital.
Key words:
meningococcal disease, diagnostic, treatment.