Objective: To analyse entry - related laparoscopic technique and complications.
Design: Literary review.
Setting: Department Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Endoscopic Training Centre, Hospital Kladno.
Method: Peri- and postoperative complications of laparoscopic entry were assessed and analysed
from database Medline and Current Contents
Results: There is helpful to classify intra-abdominal entry complications occuring after laparosco-
py into the two types (type I and II). The risk of bowel damage, calculated from analysed studies
was 0.4/1 000 and for major vessel injuries the risk was 0.2/1 000.
Conclusion: The need to perforate the abdominal wall to perform laparoscopic intraabdominal
surgery will probably always be associated with risk of damaging structures beneaeth. With good
techniques and appropriate case selection, this risk of such complications should be occure less
than 1 per 1 000 laparoscopies. None of the existing techniques or technologies completely elimi-
nate the risk of type II damage.
Key words:
complications, laparoscopy