treatment Peyronie's disease (PD) is characterized by the formation of a fibrotic plaque in the tunica albuginea of the penis and can best be described as a localized connective tissue disorder that primarily affects the tunica albuginea. The plaque consists mainly of collagen and can significantly alter penile anatomy and function. Patients with PD usually present soon after the onset of the disease with penile pain and deformity when they develop an erection. They are most often middle-aged and a palpable plaque is usually present. While the cause of this disease is thought to be due to microvascular trauma and abnormal wound healing, other hypotheses include genetic predisposition. We reviewed the literatuře on the pathology, pathogenesis, diagnosis and treatment of Peyronie's disease and the experience with therapy of PD in our department.
Key words:
induratio penis plastica, Peyronie's disease, pharmacotherapy, verapamil, interferon, penile prosthesis.