Hypertension (essential, arterial, systemic) represents one of the greatest problems of our time. Simultane-ously, it belongs to the most significant cardiovascular risk factors influencing the appearance of untimely atherosclerosis, including that of the coronary arteries (ischemic heart disease). It leads to a number of orga-nic affections with consequent complications (heart failure, cerebral hemorrhage, renal failure, atheroscle-rotic alterations of cerebral and peripheral arteries). Its prevalence in the population is estimated at 25%, however, that may not be precise in as about one half of those suffering hypertension are not aware of the-ir disease. Notwithstanding marked advances in diagnostics and treatment, only 22% of patients at the gene¬rál practitioneťs office are effectively treated. It is námely for this reason that the article deals foremost with the practical aspect of diagnostics, classification and modern therapy of hypertension.
Key words:
essential hypertension - cardiovascular risk factors - atherosclerosis.