Cutaneous Angiosarcoma Following Conservative Surgery and Radiotherapy
for Breast Carcinoma. A Case Report
1Kajo K., 2Lúčan J., 1Macháleková K., 3Beratšová Z.
1Ústav patologickej anatómie a 21. chirurgická klinika Jesseniovej lekárskej fakulty a Martinskej fakultnej nemocnice, Martin 3Poliklinické oddelenie klinickej onkológie Martinskej fakultnej nemocnice, Martin |
Breast angiosarcomas (AS) are very rare neoplasms, which can be divided into primary (or
sporadic), and secondary AS, the latter arising either on the base of lymphoedema after
mastectomy (so called AS with Stewart-Treves syndrome- ASSTS), or skin AS after breast
conservation surgery with subsequent radiotherapy for breast cancer (KPRAS).
The authors present a case of a 55-year-old female patient with a 17mm tumour in nipple region,
developing 8 years after primary diagnosis of tubulolobular carcinoma of the breast which was
treated by breast conservation surgery and radiotherapy. A probatory bioptic examination of the
lesion proved well-differentiated KPRAS. The patient underwent mastectomy.
The authors analyse the basic clinical and morphological features of KPRAS, which distinguish it
from other forms of AS, e.g. occurrence in older age, shorter period of latency after radiation
therapy when compared to ASSTS, absence of lymphoedema, and rare involvement of the breast
tissue. Prognosis of this entity is very poor; today the most reliable prognostic marker is
histological grading. However, it will be needed to assess in the future new indicators of prognosis
of patients with this rare disease.
Key words:
angiosarcoma – breast – radiotherapy