Infections in Children Cause by Saccharomyces of the Candida Genus
Virágová S.1, Dorko E.2, Pilipčinec E.3
Jednotka intenzívnej a resuscitačnej starostlivosti - novorodenecké oddelenie, Nemocnica Košice-Šaca, a.s.1 riaditeľ MUDr. J. Vančík, CSc. Ústav epidemiológie LF UPJŠ, Košice2 prednostka prof. MVDr. L. Čisláková, CSc. Ústav mikrobiológie a imunológie UVL, Košice3 prednosta prof. MVDr. I. Mikula, DrSc. |
Infections caused by saccharomyces of Candida genus are the frequent cause of increasing morbidity and
mortality of children, especially in suckling infants of low birth weight, hospitalized at newborn intensive care
units. Risk factors responsible for the origin and occurrence of candidoses at the child age include the use of
broad-spectrum antibiotics, prematurity, catheterization, hyperalimentation, prolonged endotracheal intubation
and tracheotomy, immunodeficient syndromes, surgical intervention, malignancies, accompanying bacterial infection,
diabetes mellitus, therapy with corticoids, and cytotoxic chemical etc. Candida species can infect any organ
or system of human organism. The blood vascular bed is the primary site of the infection as well as meninges,
urinary tract of the disease is frequently disseminated.
In the present paper the authors set to describe the causes and symptoms of various candida infections, e.g.
those affecting nervous, gastrointestinal, respiratory, urogenital system, vascular bed, eyes, skin, skin adnexa and
oral cavity.
Key words:
prematurity, newborn, Candida, candida infections, newborn intensive care unit