Visceral Form of Leishmaniosis in a 13-month Child
Lukáč J.1, Székyová D.1, Mažáriová O.2, Čáp J.3
2 detská klinika DFNsP a LFUK, Bratislava1 prednosta prof. MUDr. L. Kovács, DrSc., MPH Hematologické oddelenie DFNsP, Bratislava2 primárka MUDr. Z. Laluhová-Striežencová Klinika detskej onkológie DFNsP a LFUK, Bratislava3 prednostka doc. MUDr. E. Kaiserová, CSc. |
The paper describes the case of a 13-months old girl, who was hospitalized for high fever, anemia,
thrombocytopenia and hepatosplenomegaly. The serological examination and findings of
amastigotes of a parasite of the Leishmania species donovani in bone marrow smear confirmed
the diagnosis of a visceral form of leishmaniosis (kala azar). The patient was successfully treated
with liposomal amfotericine. This is the first case of the visceral form of leishmaniosis described
and treated in Slovakia.
Key words:
anemia, hepatosplenomegaly, Leishmania, amfotericine