Comparison of Ultrasound and Optic Biometry with Respect to Refraction of Eyes
after Cataract Surgery
Skorkovská Š., Michálek J.*, Ruberová M., Synek S.
Klinika nemocí očních a optometrie LF MU, FN u sv. Anny, Brno, přednosta doc. MUDr. S. Synek, CSc. *Katedra aplikované matematiky a informatiky, ESF MU, Brno, vedoucí doc. ing. O. Vašíček, CSc. |
In theprospectivestudyof56patientswithcataract (67eyes)theauthorscompared
axial length biometry) regarding to postoperative refraction of the eyes. Dioptric
power of the intraocular lens (IOL) was determined by SRK II. formula. The
difference between predicted and actual postoperative refraction in the spherical
equivalent were compared 3 months postoperatively. Axial length measured by
ultrasound differed significantly from the axial length measured by optical biometry
(p=0.016). Dioptric power of IOL calculated according to the axial length
measured by ultrasound was significantly different from the dioptric power of
IOL calculated according to the axial length measured by optical biometry
(p=0.003). The difference between predicted and actual postoperative refraction
was not statistically significant (p=0.384) even if we considered both type of
measurement. In conclusion, we found partial coherence interferometry was an
accurate and reproducible method for measurement of axial length of the eyebefore cataract surgery. In the cases of advanced dense cataracts backup of
ultrasonic biometry is still necessary.
Key words:
cataract, ultrasound biometry, optical biometry, SRK II formula,
predicted and actual postoperative refraction