Specific Feítures of Lung Collection from aDonor with aBeáing Hea"t: Criteriaaid Technique
Lischke R., Šimonek J., Stolz A., Schůtzner J., Páko P.
III. chirurgická klinika 1. LF UK a FN Motd, Praha, přednosta prrf. MUDr. P. Pafkq DrSc. |
Lung transplantaticns remain the latest organ transplantaticn gaining a brcad spectrum rfelinical applica-ticns. It has beecme an appreved treatment method for patients suffering frem lung diserders in the terminál phase. The number rf transplantaticns is limited by a lack rf suitable ergans, inereasing patients waiting lists mortality rates. This article prevides infermatien cn eriteria required for the lung cdlecticns tobě accepted, and alsp a detailed deseriptien rf the cembined lung and heart cdlecticn technique for unilateral rf bilateral lung transplantaticns. The abeve technique has been ušed reutinely, undergdng several medificatiens, in the Czech Republic since 1997, when the lung transplantaticn pregramme cemmenced. 60 lung cdlecticns frem exited deners were perfermed until the end rf2003. The aim tf the infermatien previded in this article, is toaid mutual cccperaticn with M.D.s caring for the dener and caperaticn rf surgeens rf all teams, participating in the multiergan transplantaticn, which will finally allcw the number and quality rf the cdlected ergans to be inereased.
Key words:
lung transplantaticn - lung cdlecticn - eriteria - technique