Triacyglycerol levels above 2.0 mmol/l are according to contemporary findings an independent
risk factor for the development of ischaemic heart disease. The triacylglycerol concentration of
plasma provides information on the amount of lipoproteins, which carry also a major amount of
cholesterol and which can also accelerate the process of atherosclerosis. Hypertriglyceridaemia
as an independent risk factor was confirmed in particular in large epidemiological studies - the
Framingham and Münster study. An increased triacyglycerol concentration implies obviously
a greater risk for women than for men. From published results of intervention studies ensues
moreover that reduction of triacyglycerol levels during hypolipidaemic treatment may reduce the
incidence of ischaemic heart disease, coronary attacks and lead to regression of coronary atheros-
clerosis. In patients with hyperlipoproteinaemia therapeutic efforts should therefore focus not
only on reduction of LDL-cholesterol but also on correction of hypetriglyceridaemia.
Key words:
Triacylglycerols - Lipoproteins - Cholesterol - Athersclerosis - Ischaemic heart disease.