Signifi cance of the Acrosomal Proteins and
Spermagglutinating Antibodies Detection in Human
Pavlásek J.1, Pěknicová J.2, Ulčová-Gallová Z.1, Nováková P.1, Reischig J.3, Mičanová Z.1, Rokyta Z.1
1Gynekologicko-porodnická klinika LF UK a FN, Plzeň, přednosta doc. MUDr. Z. Rokyta, CSc. 2Ústav molekulární genetiky AV ČR, Praha, ředitel prof. RNDr. V. Pačes, DrSc.3Ústav lékařské biologie, LF UK, Plzeň, přednosta doc. RNDr. J. Reischig, CSc. |
Objective: Comparison of the positive intra-acrosomal proteins and spermagglutinating antibodies
in human semen samples from various groups of patients.
Design: Prospective study.
Setting: Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics and Faculty Hospital, Charles University, Pilsen,
Institute of Molecular Genetics, Czech Academy of Science, Prague.
Methods: Monoclonal antibodies Hs-8 and Hs-14 (prepared in the Institute of Molecular Genetics,
Prague) were used for detection of intra-acrosomal sperm proteins. Microscopic immunofl uores cent methods detected the incidence, the character and the percentage of the spermatozoa specifi
ed by above-mentioned monoclonal antibodies. Direct mixed anti-immunoglobulin reactions
test (MAR-test) for IgG, IgM, IgA, IgE was used for detection of spermagglutinating antibody. We
examined 315 infertile patients from Special Consultation for Immunology of Reproduction and
from the IVF programme, and sperm healthy donors (January 2002 – March 2003).
Results: Native donor‘s sperm cells had excellent positive intra-acrosomal proteins stained with
monoclonal antibodies Hs8 and Hs14 and after thawing as well as. No spermagglutinating antibodies
were found. In the group with normal sperm count and light microscopic morphology we
found the presence of seminal spermagglutinating antibodies in 11% (IgG), in 14.5% (IgA), in 3.6%
(IgM), in 5.2% (IgE). Signifi cant positivity of intra-acrosomal protein stained with Hs8 monoclonal
antibody was reached in 68.4%, and with Hs14 monoclonal antibody in even 81.3% of men. On
the other hand, in oligoasthenospermatic patients we found signifi cant increasing of spermagglutinating
antibodies (for IgG 40.5%, for IgA 28.6%, for IgM 9.5%, for IgE 11.9%). Dominant good
staining of intra-acrosomal proteins were seen only in 15.5% of men (for Hs8) and in 20.2% (for
Conclusion: The quantitative detection of intra-acrosomal sperm proteins and spermagglutinating
antibodies are used as important properties of human semen and serve for evaluation of
acrosomal state, and male fertility together.
Key words:
integrita akrosomu, intra-akrosomální proteiny, monoklonální protilátky proti
akrosomálním proteinům, protilátky proti spermiím