Primary Lung Hypertension –
Present View of the Diagnosis and Therapy
Řiháček I., Souček M., Kára T., Fráňa P., Orban M.
I. interní kardio-angiologická klinika Lékařské fakulty MU a FN u sv. Anny, Brno, přednosta prof. MUDr. J. Vítovec, CSc. |
Primary Lung Hypertension is a serious disease of unknown cause. Various genetic, vasoconstriction,
proliferation and procoagulation factor participate in etiology and pathogenesis. In establishing
the diagnosis it is necessary to exclude secondary, particularly embolic cause of
pulmonary hypertension. There are diseases with associated primary pulmonary hypertension.
Present therapy improves symptoms of the disease, three years after the diagnosis is established,
75 % of patients survive. In the therapy of primary pulmonary hypertension, the recommended
drugs are calcium channel blockers, epoprostenol, oxygen therapy and anticoagulant drugs. The
new, clinically tested drugs include inhalation and oral analogs of prostacyclins, endothelin receptor
antagonists and phosphodiesterase blockers.
Key words:
Primary pulmonary hypertension – Pathogenesis – Therapy – Calcium channel blockers
– Epoprostenol