Even though epidural analgesia is a preferred method of analgesia, this could be accomplished also with inhalational anesthetics, especially with
a mixture of 50% oxygen and nitrous oxide. This method of analgesia is effective in protracted labor. This analgesia allows for economic lung ventilation,
discards emotional part of fear with inadequate reaction to pain. This results in better coordination of the actions of uterus – all this favourably affects
the course of labor and delivery. Higher concentrations of oxygen in inspired mixture of gases improves hemoglobin saturation in both the parturient
and the fetus, with positive effects on ABG’s. In 1995, this method was used in 70% of labor and deliveries in Swedish hospitals. This method of analgesia
for labor and delivery is safe for both the parturient and the fetus, minimally affecting uterine movements, and economically modest.
Key words:
mixture of nitrous oxide with oxygen – oxygen hemoglobin saturation of the fetus