The External Quality Control (EQC) system in activities of laboratories engaged in medical microbiology and parasitology was established
in the Czech Republic in 1993 when to the first laboratories which applied coded serum samples were sent for diagnosis of viral hepatitis
and bacterial strains for identification. In the course of years the number of control areas increased and in 2000 there were 31 and the
number of those interested in participation in EQC increased from 79 in 1993 to 434 in 2000. This year a total of 13 239 samples will be
sent to laboratories.
Gradually thus almost all microbiological and parasitological laboratories concerned with examination of clinical material became
involved. Seven-year experience with EQC in the Czech Republic revealed that gradually the results of various examinations became more
accurate, that methods became standardized and the most suitable examination sets are used.
Key words:
External Quality Control (EQC), medical microbiology, medical parasitology