CT Angiography of the Pulmonary Artery (CTAP) in the Diagnosis of Embolization of the
Ferda J., Novák M., Záhlava J.:
Radiodiagnostická klinika FN a LF UK, Plzeň, přednosta doc. MUDr. Boris Kreuzberg, CSc. Oddělení nukleární medicíny, FN Plzeň - Lochotín,*primář MUDr. Jan Záhlava |
The general prevalence and morbidity of pulmonary embolism is very high. Mortality after surgery
due to pulmonary embolism is about 4%. Helical CT angiography is a very useful tool to discover
emboli in the pulmonary artery. 44 pulmonary CTA were compared with chest X-rays, perfusion
scintigraphy of lungs and colour flowdopplerometry of lower extremity veins. 16 cases of pulmonary
embolism were found, 10 cases of massive and 6 cases of submassive embolism. Dilatation of the
pulmonary artery was the most accurate sign of massive pulmonary embolism on chest X-rays
(sensitivity 1.00, specificity 0,76, PV+ 0.56, PV- 1.00). The accuracy of colour flow dopplerometry and
negativity of perfusion scintigraphy was 100%.
Key words:
pulmonary embolism - helical CT angiography - perfusion scintigraphy of the lungs -
chest X-ray - colour flow dopplerometry