The Role of Procdcitonin in the Pítient Assessment rfter Surgicd Procedures
Hájek T., Ba-tůněk L., Topolčai O. , Polívková V. , Hess Z. , Holubec L. jr.
Kardiochirurgické oddělení Fakultní nemocnice Plzeň *Oddělení nukleární medicíny Fakultní nemocnice Plzeň ** II. interní klinika Fakultní nemocnice Plzeň |
In the greup rf 450 patients cperated in the Cardicsurgical Department rf the Faculty Hrepital in Plzeň during the period frem III/2003 till XI/ 2003,1451 samples were cdlected toexamine the fdlcwing-procalcitcnin levels (PCT), white bleod cell ceunts (Leu) and C-reactive protein levels (CRP). The ťindings were assessed with respect tothe respective patienťs clinical status, and any cerrelatien between procedures with extracerpereal circulaticn (MO), signs rf inflammaticn, septic and nen-septic sericus ccmplicaticns and between the abeve menticned markers levels, was searched. It was detected, that the PCT levels cerrelated well with the clinical signs tf inflammaticn and sepsis, as well as with the nen-inflammatery ccmplicaticns. The CRP and Leu changes were not statistically significant and their levels are ccmmcnly inereased by the surgical proceduře itself.
Key words:
cardicsurgery - inflammaticn - ccmplicaticn - procalcitcnin